PiYo is here! I was so excited to get my hands on this new workout system from Chalene Johnson. I've always found her to be really motivating, straight forward and just a great instructor.
PiYo and it is a hybrid of pilates and yoga. What does that mean? It means it's HIGH INTENSITY WITHOUT BEING HIGH IMPACT! So if you're someone who doesn't like all the jumping of other cardio programs or you have SORE JOINTS, MUSCLES, BACKS AND BODIES... This program is made for you! You will be building Strength and Flexibility and absolutely KILLING calories just by using your own body weight!
The first workout I tried out was "Sweat". And yes, I did sweat! It was 35 minutes of flexibility, core, strength and power moves. I loved it! And I was feeling it afterwards too. But in a good way. :) My muscles felt challenged and slightly sore. But not like I had been beat up...that's never a good feeling!
Today I did the Upper Body workout. I will tell you that my core was worked just as much! And I know I will be feeling this one too. Yes, there are pushups and triceps pushups involved, but don't let those scare you off. You can modify them like all the other moves and the workout is not only based on pushups. I hear ya, they're not my favorite either but they do deliver results!!
I look like I'm concentrating pretty hard here...oh wait. I was! A yoga mat is all that's needed and of course your water. :) I love how every move can easily be modified - and the modifier is right there so any fitness level can do the moves and continue to get stronger. Feels amazing. The Upper Body workout is listed as 35 mins but this should make anyone happy...that's a little error and really it's about 18 minutes! A short workout that will strengthen and stretch your entire body? Like! Like it a lot!
If you have any questions about what PiYo is all about or if it's right for you, send me an email or contact me through Facebook! www.facebook.com/marci.gabor.5
Friday, June 27, 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014
A day in the life: what goes in my belly!
If someone ever tells you they never indulge, they never eat off their plan, not a sip of wine, no sweets...Hmmmm. I wouldn't believe, them! Would you? I eat pretty darn healthy and stick to something like this maybe 80-85ish% of the time. This is what works for me and my body. It took me a long, long, LONG time to figure it all out and figure out what makes my body happiest. I've done weight watchers, counted calories, this crazy thing called the rice diet (we ate a lot of white rice. Not good!), low carb, high fat. We've all been there and so many of us have tried many eating plans. The truth is that one plan may fit one person perfectly but be totally wrong for another. So the biggest hurdle is finding out what works for YOU. Lots of trial and error, tweaking, growing old and hopefully growing wiser!
What I have learned over the years is that although I am not vegetarian or vegan, my bod just prefers a very plant-heavy diet. And that's totally okay because I happen to love my plants! I love veggies, fruits, beans, nuts - all that fun stuff. But I do also eat lean protein sources and little bits of dairy here and there. Back in my days of a more traditional low carb diet, I was a total carnivore! Now I prefer smaller portions of chicken, turkey, fish and red meat once in a while. You love red meat? Then eat it! It's all about balance, moderation and finding what you like so that you can stick to a healthy meal plan that you enjoy. Because eating is fun! I like food. I like it a lot.
And...I also like wine. :) Hey, it makes me happy! So I make room for it and I also make room for a quality sweet once in a while or sometimes a whole meal if eating out.
But most days, this is what my plan looks like. Call me a rabbit, that's okay. But what I am NOT is starving! No one is happy when they have an empty belly. I get super cranky-pants! I've said it before that it comes down to planning. If I know I'm going to be out and about for a long time, an apple and 10-12 almonds easily gets packed in my purse or left in the car. Nothing complicated about that! And water, of course. :)
So here is my rundown of a typical day:
Pre workout: coffee with unsweetened almond milk and stevia, 10 almonds (yes, I count them out!)
Breakfast: vegan chocolate Shakeology, blended with ice, water and 1/4 cup avocado (or 1/2 banana)
Snack: HB egg (just one, not the whole dozen!)
Lunch: typically a GIANT salad with lots of greens, veggies and usually chicken or turkey. Many times, however, I'll just do meatless with maybe some edammame, hummus or beans thrown in
Snack: berries and Greek yogurt, sometimes just fruit or fruit with a few more nuts. always COFFEE at some point in the afternoon. I said I like wine, but I think I like coffee even more. ;)
Dinner: either another huge salad or lots of roasted and steamed veggies, another lean protein
After dinner: I'll usually snack on some baby carrots and maybe some more berries, melon, an apple or all of the above!
Happy eating!!! If you need any help, I'm here! Let's plan out your menu if you're trying to shed some weight, feel better or just want to get a better grasp on portion sizes!
What I have learned over the years is that although I am not vegetarian or vegan, my bod just prefers a very plant-heavy diet. And that's totally okay because I happen to love my plants! I love veggies, fruits, beans, nuts - all that fun stuff. But I do also eat lean protein sources and little bits of dairy here and there. Back in my days of a more traditional low carb diet, I was a total carnivore! Now I prefer smaller portions of chicken, turkey, fish and red meat once in a while. You love red meat? Then eat it! It's all about balance, moderation and finding what you like so that you can stick to a healthy meal plan that you enjoy. Because eating is fun! I like food. I like it a lot.
And...I also like wine. :) Hey, it makes me happy! So I make room for it and I also make room for a quality sweet once in a while or sometimes a whole meal if eating out.
But most days, this is what my plan looks like. Call me a rabbit, that's okay. But what I am NOT is starving! No one is happy when they have an empty belly. I get super cranky-pants! I've said it before that it comes down to planning. If I know I'm going to be out and about for a long time, an apple and 10-12 almonds easily gets packed in my purse or left in the car. Nothing complicated about that! And water, of course. :)
So here is my rundown of a typical day:
Pre workout: coffee with unsweetened almond milk and stevia, 10 almonds (yes, I count them out!)
Breakfast: vegan chocolate Shakeology, blended with ice, water and 1/4 cup avocado (or 1/2 banana)
Snack: HB egg (just one, not the whole dozen!)
Lunch: typically a GIANT salad with lots of greens, veggies and usually chicken or turkey. Many times, however, I'll just do meatless with maybe some edammame, hummus or beans thrown in
Snack: berries and Greek yogurt, sometimes just fruit or fruit with a few more nuts. always COFFEE at some point in the afternoon. I said I like wine, but I think I like coffee even more. ;)
Dinner: either another huge salad or lots of roasted and steamed veggies, another lean protein
After dinner: I'll usually snack on some baby carrots and maybe some more berries, melon, an apple or all of the above!
Happy eating!!! If you need any help, I'm here! Let's plan out your menu if you're trying to shed some weight, feel better or just want to get a better grasp on portion sizes!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
More on clean eating...and hitting the grocery store PREPARED!
Still a little confused about all this clean eating stuff? How to plan it all out? You’ve probably heard so many variations: eat every 2-3 hours, eat 5-6 mini meals, always eat a complex carb with a protein. Well, it’s all true! But, the main thing is to not let it overwhelm you and to find what works for YOU. What has worked for me, for my schedule, for my life could be totally different than what might be right for you. So a lot of the mystery is just fine-tuning, playing around with things, listening to your body and figuring out what is going to work best. The one key, however, that is going to be true no matter what plan you follow is this simple rule: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. We’ve heard it before but it is so true.
The other truth? 70-80% of your success depends on your food choices. That’s a lot! You’ve heard “abs are made in the kitchen” True story. Someone that is dedicated and spot on with their workouts but hit and miss with their eating is for sure not going to see the greatest results possible. It might sound like an overwhelming process but it’s really about planning ahead and being one step ahead of the game.
So let’s start with the basics. GROCERY SHOPPING! You’ve probably heard all of these before, but it never hurts to brush up on the basics! Here are some tips to help you stay on track and FOCUSED!!
•Do not go hungry! Eat beforehand!
•Shop the perimeter of the store. Be a smart shopper and stick to the outside lanes of the grocery store. This is where your basics are located. Meat, fish, produce, dairy…all your essential fresh foods are placed around the perimeter and then the packaged foods are down the aisles. Have your list and stick to it.
•Just because something is labeled “low-fat” “a good source of…” or “healthy” DOES NOT mean it is healthy! Those 100 calorie snack packs? Noooo. Put them back! For your kids, spouse, roommate that isn’t eating on the same plan, put these and other snackie treats in a separate place. Make them as un-tempting as possible. Is that a word? Okay, it is now! In our house, the kids know where the “treat cupboard” is. I admit that we have way too much junk. But at least it’s all basically in one place and I just ignore it. Do I really need processed cookies, crackers and candy? No thanks. If I’m going to splurge on something off my normal eating plan, it’s going to be something WORTH it. And something that little Keebler elves or Nabisco made do not fall into that category. Be picky and selective. It’s okay to say no!
Here is a sample grocery list. Start to take a look at it and pick and choose your favorites. These should become your staples and things that you should make a habit of having around the house. Planning is key! Make Sunday or any day that works in your schedule to get your shopping done and then prep at home. Wash veggies, maybe cook some chicken breasts, roast veggies, make a batch of chicken or tuna salad.
If you have access to high quality foods that are ready to go, you will limit your temptations!
Boneless/skinless chicken breast
Lean ground turkey
Canned Tuna (in water)
Wild Salmon
Tofu (Vegan friendly. Be sure it is non-GMO and organic)
Cottage Cheese – watch portion size as it has quite a bit of sodium
Plain Greek Yogurt
Shakeology (Vegan options available)
Fibrous Veggies:
Bell Peppers
Brussel Sprouts
Green beans
(Don’t be afraid to experiment! There are so many others out there besides just these)
Complex/Starchy Carbohydrates:
Old-fashioned Oatmeal (Gluten-free options available)
Quinoa (Gluten-free options available)
Sweet potato
Whole Wheat Bread (Something like Ezekiel bread, but in moderation if it triggers you to want to carb-out)
Brown Rice, barley, cous cous
Healthy Fat Options (pick at least 2):
Natural peanut butter or almond butter (only ingredient should read peanuts or almonds, there should be oil on top, low/no sodium).
Olive oil
Coconut Oil
Flaxseed oil
Lemons (for water & fish)
Water – MUST HAVE (obviously)
Unsweetened Almond Milk (can be flavored, I like vanilla)
Unsweetened Coconut Milk
Green tea bags
Balsamic Vinegar
Salsa (pico de gallo and hot sauce)
Chili powder
Mrs Dash
Unsweetened Baking Cocoa
The other truth? 70-80% of your success depends on your food choices. That’s a lot! You’ve heard “abs are made in the kitchen” True story. Someone that is dedicated and spot on with their workouts but hit and miss with their eating is for sure not going to see the greatest results possible. It might sound like an overwhelming process but it’s really about planning ahead and being one step ahead of the game.
So let’s start with the basics. GROCERY SHOPPING! You’ve probably heard all of these before, but it never hurts to brush up on the basics! Here are some tips to help you stay on track and FOCUSED!!
•Do not go hungry! Eat beforehand!
•Shop the perimeter of the store. Be a smart shopper and stick to the outside lanes of the grocery store. This is where your basics are located. Meat, fish, produce, dairy…all your essential fresh foods are placed around the perimeter and then the packaged foods are down the aisles. Have your list and stick to it.
•Just because something is labeled “low-fat” “a good source of…” or “healthy” DOES NOT mean it is healthy! Those 100 calorie snack packs? Noooo. Put them back! For your kids, spouse, roommate that isn’t eating on the same plan, put these and other snackie treats in a separate place. Make them as un-tempting as possible. Is that a word? Okay, it is now! In our house, the kids know where the “treat cupboard” is. I admit that we have way too much junk. But at least it’s all basically in one place and I just ignore it. Do I really need processed cookies, crackers and candy? No thanks. If I’m going to splurge on something off my normal eating plan, it’s going to be something WORTH it. And something that little Keebler elves or Nabisco made do not fall into that category. Be picky and selective. It’s okay to say no!
Here is a sample grocery list. Start to take a look at it and pick and choose your favorites. These should become your staples and things that you should make a habit of having around the house. Planning is key! Make Sunday or any day that works in your schedule to get your shopping done and then prep at home. Wash veggies, maybe cook some chicken breasts, roast veggies, make a batch of chicken or tuna salad.
If you have access to high quality foods that are ready to go, you will limit your temptations!
Boneless/skinless chicken breast
Lean ground turkey
Canned Tuna (in water)
Wild Salmon
Tofu (Vegan friendly. Be sure it is non-GMO and organic)
Cottage Cheese – watch portion size as it has quite a bit of sodium
Plain Greek Yogurt
Shakeology (Vegan options available)
Fibrous Veggies:
Bell Peppers
Brussel Sprouts
Green beans
(Don’t be afraid to experiment! There are so many others out there besides just these)
Complex/Starchy Carbohydrates:
Old-fashioned Oatmeal (Gluten-free options available)
Quinoa (Gluten-free options available)
Sweet potato
Whole Wheat Bread (Something like Ezekiel bread, but in moderation if it triggers you to want to carb-out)
Brown Rice, barley, cous cous
Healthy Fat Options (pick at least 2):
Natural peanut butter or almond butter (only ingredient should read peanuts or almonds, there should be oil on top, low/no sodium).
Olive oil
Coconut Oil
Flaxseed oil
Lemons (for water & fish)
Water – MUST HAVE (obviously)
Unsweetened Almond Milk (can be flavored, I like vanilla)
Unsweetened Coconut Milk
Green tea bags
Balsamic Vinegar
Salsa (pico de gallo and hot sauce)
Chili powder
Mrs Dash
Unsweetened Baking Cocoa
Monday, June 2, 2014
June Beachbody Specials!
A new month means new fabulous deals for you! This month, it's all about Shaun T and I couldn't be more excited! It's probably pretty clear that I adore the man and he is by far my favorite Beachbody trainer. What's not to love? Shaun is super motivating, engaging, a little in your face, challenging, but ultimately, you just feel like he CARES about you and wants you to succeed. Because he does! Even from your living room. :)
You like insane? Shaun T has you covered! I admit that I have T25 and T25 Gamma and continually shy away from Insanity. But maybe now is the best time to embrace the challenge! Who else is up for it?
10 Insane workouts to get you the best body in 60 days? That's a bold promise but I have no doubt it will deliver. No weights, no gym membership, sweating in the privacy of your own home. Sounds good to me!
Your Challenge Pack also includes: Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology®—the superfood shake that helps give you energy, reduce cravings and accelerate your fitness results—delivered on Home Direct. Plus Super Discount shipping (and SAVE OVER $12) every month. Just looking to try Shakeology for one month and then cancel? That's okay and you can do that too! This is still an amazing deal!!
The INSANITY Challenge Pack includes 10 insane workouts that incorporate plyometric drills and intervals of strength, power, resistance, and core training. No weights or equipment, just long bursts of maximum intensity and short periods of rest that challenge your body to be its most efficient ever.
Here's what your Challenge Pack includes:
10 Insane Workouts:
01 Dig Deeper & Fit Test
02 Plyometric Cardio Circuit
03 Cardio Power & Resistance
04 Cardio Recovery
05 Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
06 Core Cardio & Balance
07 Max Interval Circuit & Fit Test
08 Max Interval Plyo
09 Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs
10 Max Recovery
Exclusive Bonus Workout! Fast and Furious. A $19.95 value—FREE!
Bottom line? This complete package that includes your first 30-day supply of Shakeology is normally $205. On sale in the month of June for $160. That is crazy. Adding it to my wish list for sure!!
And behind door #2...Shaun T Dance Challenge Pack! You like to dance and get your groove on? This is for you!
You can get twice the amazing results by shakin' it double time! Shaun T's two high-energy dance workout programs Hip Hop Abs® and Rockin' Body® give you great moves, great tunes, and great variety to help you burn calories and lose weight. It's the most fun you'll ever have getting fit!
Your Challenge Pack also includes your first 30-day supply of Shakeology®!
Your Hip Hop Abs program includes:
4 Amazing Routines:
1. Secrets to Flat Abs: TILT, TUCK & TIGHTEN your way to gorgeous, sexy abs with Shaun's exclusive training technique. (13 minutes)
2. Fat Burning Cardio: Groove to upbeat party music and learn the fun, easy dance steps that shed calories and burn fat. (30 minutes)
3. Ab Sculpt: Use these signature next-level ab moves to carve out your ultimate six-pack. (25 min)
4. Total Body Burn: Say goodbye to love handles, saddlebags, and jiggly arms as you sculpt your body from head to toe. (45 minutes)
Plus, Learn to Dance with Shaun T - More Fun-Filled Routines:
Take It to the Dance Floor
Hip Hop Groove
Last Minute Dance
Last Minute Abs
Last Minute Buns
Free BONUS workout! Exclusive 20-minute workout DVD, Hip Hop Abs EXTREME. A $19.95 value—FREE!
Your Rockin' Body program includes:
5 Rockin' Workouts to Get a Rockin' Body!
1. Mark, Move & Groove: Shaun will have you dancing and sweating with his breakthrough Mark It and Move It technique. (15 minutes)
2. Disco Groove: Hit the dance floor and shake your groove thing in this off-the-hook workout guaranteed to burn some serious calories. (35 minutes)
3. Party Express: Give Shaun 25 minutes and he guarantees a workout—without sacrificing results! (25 minutes)
4. Shaun T's Dance Party: It's a calorie-burning dance party in your living room. (45 minutes)
5. Rock It Out: This rock-and-roll strength routine will shape, sculpt, and tone your new lean body from head to toe while it sends your metabolism soaring. (45 minutes)
All this dance explosion fun is on sale for $140 in June, normally $160. Think about this. If you've been thinking about even just TRYING Shakeology, either option is an amazing deal. With Insanity, you're getting Shakeology plus a complete workout program for just $30 more! And with the Dance challenge pack, a whole workout program for only $10 more! Pretty sweet summer deals!
Contact me if you have any questions or would like more information! We all like friends, so the more the merrier. Find me on Facebook too! www.facebook.com/marci.gabor.5
You like insane? Shaun T has you covered! I admit that I have T25 and T25 Gamma and continually shy away from Insanity. But maybe now is the best time to embrace the challenge! Who else is up for it?
10 Insane workouts to get you the best body in 60 days? That's a bold promise but I have no doubt it will deliver. No weights, no gym membership, sweating in the privacy of your own home. Sounds good to me!
Your Challenge Pack also includes: Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology®—the superfood shake that helps give you energy, reduce cravings and accelerate your fitness results—delivered on Home Direct. Plus Super Discount shipping (and SAVE OVER $12) every month. Just looking to try Shakeology for one month and then cancel? That's okay and you can do that too! This is still an amazing deal!!
The INSANITY Challenge Pack includes 10 insane workouts that incorporate plyometric drills and intervals of strength, power, resistance, and core training. No weights or equipment, just long bursts of maximum intensity and short periods of rest that challenge your body to be its most efficient ever.
Here's what your Challenge Pack includes:
10 Insane Workouts:
01 Dig Deeper & Fit Test
02 Plyometric Cardio Circuit
03 Cardio Power & Resistance
04 Cardio Recovery
05 Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
06 Core Cardio & Balance
07 Max Interval Circuit & Fit Test
08 Max Interval Plyo
09 Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs
10 Max Recovery
Exclusive Bonus Workout! Fast and Furious. A $19.95 value—FREE!
Bottom line? This complete package that includes your first 30-day supply of Shakeology is normally $205. On sale in the month of June for $160. That is crazy. Adding it to my wish list for sure!!
And behind door #2...Shaun T Dance Challenge Pack! You like to dance and get your groove on? This is for you!
You can get twice the amazing results by shakin' it double time! Shaun T's two high-energy dance workout programs Hip Hop Abs® and Rockin' Body® give you great moves, great tunes, and great variety to help you burn calories and lose weight. It's the most fun you'll ever have getting fit!
Your Challenge Pack also includes your first 30-day supply of Shakeology®!
Your Hip Hop Abs program includes:
4 Amazing Routines:
1. Secrets to Flat Abs: TILT, TUCK & TIGHTEN your way to gorgeous, sexy abs with Shaun's exclusive training technique. (13 minutes)
2. Fat Burning Cardio: Groove to upbeat party music and learn the fun, easy dance steps that shed calories and burn fat. (30 minutes)
3. Ab Sculpt: Use these signature next-level ab moves to carve out your ultimate six-pack. (25 min)
4. Total Body Burn: Say goodbye to love handles, saddlebags, and jiggly arms as you sculpt your body from head to toe. (45 minutes)
Plus, Learn to Dance with Shaun T - More Fun-Filled Routines:
Take It to the Dance Floor
Hip Hop Groove
Last Minute Dance
Last Minute Abs
Last Minute Buns
Free BONUS workout! Exclusive 20-minute workout DVD, Hip Hop Abs EXTREME. A $19.95 value—FREE!
Your Rockin' Body program includes:
5 Rockin' Workouts to Get a Rockin' Body!
1. Mark, Move & Groove: Shaun will have you dancing and sweating with his breakthrough Mark It and Move It technique. (15 minutes)
2. Disco Groove: Hit the dance floor and shake your groove thing in this off-the-hook workout guaranteed to burn some serious calories. (35 minutes)
3. Party Express: Give Shaun 25 minutes and he guarantees a workout—without sacrificing results! (25 minutes)
4. Shaun T's Dance Party: It's a calorie-burning dance party in your living room. (45 minutes)
5. Rock It Out: This rock-and-roll strength routine will shape, sculpt, and tone your new lean body from head to toe while it sends your metabolism soaring. (45 minutes)
All this dance explosion fun is on sale for $140 in June, normally $160. Think about this. If you've been thinking about even just TRYING Shakeology, either option is an amazing deal. With Insanity, you're getting Shakeology plus a complete workout program for just $30 more! And with the Dance challenge pack, a whole workout program for only $10 more! Pretty sweet summer deals!
Contact me if you have any questions or would like more information! We all like friends, so the more the merrier. Find me on Facebook too! www.facebook.com/marci.gabor.5
Challenge Pack,
June promotions,
Shaun T
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Pool is open! Get your body READY!!
Are you hanging outside longer at night, enjoying the nice weather? It's getting warmer and if you're lucky enough to have one...the pool is officially OPEN! I'm jealous, but that's okay. :) I will be lounging by the kiddie pool!
If you're still thinking about getting in shape, I would love to pass along a nifty little hybrid schedule. This is what I am currently doing and I'm loving it! What I love MOST about this schedule is that it includes two very different workouts but BOTH have you done in about 30 minutes. You're short on time but you want results. Well, don't we all! Try getting that done with a trip to the gym! I'm pooped just thinking about fighting for a parking spot at prime time, or dealing with Mr Big Guy's leftover sweat. Ew!
T25 is the workout that I started with and I always think of it as a MUST, especially if you want an effective fat burning workout that will leave you cursing at Shaun T. In a good way, of course. :) I love him. I seriously love him!! All workouts are 25 minutes long and then add in 2-3 minutes for a cool-down. It's a 10 week program that will get you in the best shape! If I can do it, you can do it too!
Now add in the muscle building workouts of P90X3 and you have a perfect hybrid calendar. If you're looking to get lean, get ripped, work on balance, stability, stamina, endurance, and all in 30 minutes. This is an excellent program. You might get a little side-tracked by Tony's lame jokes or his perfectly coifed hair, but stay the course. TRUST his weirdness. Tony knows his stuff! X3 is a 90 day program and comes complete with a workout calendar and nutrition guide.
Even better is that P90X3 is on sale for just a few more days this month! Bust out the bathing suit, get ready to wear your summer wardrobe. You deserve to look and feel your best and I would love to help you get there!
Check out the hybrid calendar above and ask any questions. I would love to hear from you!!
If you're still thinking about getting in shape, I would love to pass along a nifty little hybrid schedule. This is what I am currently doing and I'm loving it! What I love MOST about this schedule is that it includes two very different workouts but BOTH have you done in about 30 minutes. You're short on time but you want results. Well, don't we all! Try getting that done with a trip to the gym! I'm pooped just thinking about fighting for a parking spot at prime time, or dealing with Mr Big Guy's leftover sweat. Ew!
T25 is the workout that I started with and I always think of it as a MUST, especially if you want an effective fat burning workout that will leave you cursing at Shaun T. In a good way, of course. :) I love him. I seriously love him!! All workouts are 25 minutes long and then add in 2-3 minutes for a cool-down. It's a 10 week program that will get you in the best shape! If I can do it, you can do it too!
Now add in the muscle building workouts of P90X3 and you have a perfect hybrid calendar. If you're looking to get lean, get ripped, work on balance, stability, stamina, endurance, and all in 30 minutes. This is an excellent program. You might get a little side-tracked by Tony's lame jokes or his perfectly coifed hair, but stay the course. TRUST his weirdness. Tony knows his stuff! X3 is a 90 day program and comes complete with a workout calendar and nutrition guide.
Even better is that P90X3 is on sale for just a few more days this month! Bust out the bathing suit, get ready to wear your summer wardrobe. You deserve to look and feel your best and I would love to help you get there!
Check out the hybrid calendar above and ask any questions. I would love to hear from you!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Easy Mango Sorbet...3 versatile ingredients!
3 ingredient Mango Sorbet
I'm guessing I'm not the only one that makes impulse purchases at Costco. We've all been there, right?? Well, my latest palm to forehead purchase was a 5 lb bag of frozen mangoes. Now, I like mangoes. Sure. But what was I thinking buying a 5 lb bag??? Anyways, it's been sitting neglected in my freezer for a little while and since today was HOT, I decided to whip up some healthy sorbet! 3 easy ingredients that can be changed up to your tastes or to what you have on hand.
Now I know that sometimes a trip to your neighborhood B&R is what's going to hit the spot, but if you feel like serving yourself and your kids something easy and healthy, this is it! And it beats waiting for the entire soccer team to place their ice cream order!!
Here's what I used:
About 1.5 cups frozen mango chunks
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
pinch NuNaturals pure stevia
Have a different frozen fruit on hand? Great! Want to use coconut milk, rice milk, juice instead? Go for it! Stevia is my go-to sweetener but if you want to use honey, agave, etc., probably any of those would work just fine.
I threw it all into the Ninja and whirled for a minute or two and the end product was a creamy, smooth and refreshing sorbet! YUM!!
If you're following the 21 Day Fix program, I would count this as one purple container. The amount of almond milk you're getting in one serving is itty bitty. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014
What is clean eating all about??
Do you get confused when you hear someone talk about clean eating? What does it mean and how do you do it? Trust me, it doesn't have to be complicated or challenging! It might take some practice and some fine-tuning but that's all part of creating a plan that works for YOU. Remember that we're trying to make this a lifestyle change, NOT a quick fix! So there will definitely be some trial and error and bumps along the way. That's okay! PROGRESS, not perfection. :)
Here are some great tips. I found these over at Eating Clean for Dummies. And no, you're not a dummy!! You're learning a new skill and I'm happy that you're here!!
Here are some great tips. I found these over at Eating Clean for Dummies. And no, you're not a dummy!! You're learning a new skill and I'm happy that you're here!!
The Basic Principles of Eating Clean
Eating clean involves not only choosing the right foods to eat but also avoiding all of the junk foods and processed foods that are so readily available. The keys to good health and proper nutrition are in the following principles:- Eat whole foods: Whole foods are foods that haven’t been tampered with, in the lab or the manufacturing plant. The foods you eat on this plan are straight from the farm: whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds.
- Avoid processed foods: Processed foods are any food that has a label. A label means that more than one ingredient was used to make that food. You don’t have to eliminate all processed foods (like whole grain pasta or natural cheeses), but if you can’t pronounce an ingredient on a label, don’t put that food in your shopping basket.
- Eliminate refined sugar. Refined sugar provides nothing but calories. Other sweeteners can be used, but with all the good foods you add to your diet, refined sugar really has very little place in the eating clean plan.
- Eat five or six small meals a day. By eating smaller meals throughout the day you can help rev up your metabolism and reduce the chance that you’ll eat some Funyuns rather than that whole grain cracker with nut butter and strawberries. You never get so hungry on this plan that you’ll feel deprived or feel the need to cheat.
- Cook your own meals. Instead of buying meals in a box, cook meals from scratch. That’s not as hard as it sounds! Clean, whole foods need little preparation beyond chopping and sautéing to make satisfying, delicious meals your family will love.
- Combine protein with carbs. When you do snack or eat a meal, make sure that meal is balanced. For the most satisfaction from your diet, and so you’ll be less tempted to eat junk food, combine protein with carbs or carbs and fat. This simple act will fuel your body and quash hunger pangs.So what does all of this look like in real life? It will be different for everyone because what I like might not be what you like. Ya know? But the above guidelines are ones that I do follow most of the time. I'm not perfect either! I still splurge once in a while and I think that's all part of the bigger picture. It makes me human!I think the biggest tip I can share is that you really need to PLAN ahead. This means making the time to get your grocery shopping in and then prepping some food in advance. When you come home from school, work, errands, running around with the kids, etc., the last thing you want to do is open up the fridge and have nothing that is quick and easy to grab. That's when the temptation to grab your kid's pizza, crackers, or granola bar is just too easy. So, plan ahead and prep some food in advance.Some of the things I almost always have ready to go include:
- hard boiled eggs
- grilled or baked chicken (great as leftovers, sliced over a salad, or thrown together with beans and salsa)
- roasted veggies
- salad greens washed and dried
- apples that can be sliced and eaten with 10-12 almonds
- baby carrots and hummus
- ground turkey breast (also great with veggies and salsa or over spaghetti squash with either pesto or a red sauce)
- berries during the summer!
The next goal is to put all of these together to create a meal plan for you that works for YOU. You don't have to watch the clock and eat at a certain time each day, but you do want to aim to eat smaller meals every 2.5 - 3 hours. Your metabolism will be fired up and keep your blood sugar from slumping and spiking.
Do you need help with creating a meal plan? That's what I'm here to do! Where do you struggle? When do you fight temptations? Do you get easily discouraged with ordering out? It's all doable. I'd love to help you!!
clean eating
Monday, May 12, 2014
Work on your Summer body NOW!!
Can you believe we're already in the month of May already? Unreal!!
So, if you're ready to change up your fitness routine, get started with
Shakeology, get YOUR Summer body ready...there are two great promotions
ready for you! And as your coach, I am HERE to help you along the way!
My next online fitness group starts on May 19! Contact me if you'd
like the support and accountability that is included FREE with me as
your coach.
Promo #1: P90X3! Get the muscles you have always thought about in only 30 minutes per day! This is an amazing promo price at $180, normally $205! It includes your first 30 day supply of Shakeology and 30 minute workouts to get your body toned, defined and RIPPED!!
Promo #2: TurboFire! An amazing deal especially if you are looking to get started on Shakeology and want another workout routine to supplement your library. Priced at only $140 - on sale in May and normally $180. This is a great price and you will see amazing results from high intensity and FUN workouts right in your own living room. At $140 this also includes your first 30-day supply of Shakeology. How cool is that??

Have any questions? Shoot them my way! I am here to help and would love to help you get started on seeing your BEST Summer body!! We can do this together!!
Promo #1: P90X3! Get the muscles you have always thought about in only 30 minutes per day! This is an amazing promo price at $180, normally $205! It includes your first 30 day supply of Shakeology and 30 minute workouts to get your body toned, defined and RIPPED!!
What exactly is X3 all about? P90X3 is an extreme workout program designed to burn fat, build lean muscle, and get your muscles popping in 30 minutes a day. This program is all about helping people get exceptional results with shorter workouts. These 30-minute routines are packed with dynamic, intense moves, designed for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Getting more done in less time? That's what it's all about!
Promo #2: TurboFire! An amazing deal especially if you are looking to get started on Shakeology and want another workout routine to supplement your library. Priced at only $140 - on sale in May and normally $180. This is a great price and you will see amazing results from high intensity and FUN workouts right in your own living room. At $140 this also includes your first 30-day supply of Shakeology. How cool is that??
With TurboFire, you can burn up to 9x more fat and calories than traditional cardio with high-energy, intense cardio conditioning, kickboxing drills, and choreographed moves set to fun music. It's a party in your living room! Although TurboFire is considered an advanced program, there are modified features to help beginners stick with the program. So, this is a workout for all fitness levels!
Have any questions? Shoot them my way! I am here to help and would love to help you get started on seeing your BEST Summer body!! We can do this together!!
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Oh yum! Coconut Butter!!
Have you tried coconut butter? WHAT??!! You haven't? It's time! The texture is really very similar to any other nut butter and can be used in the same way. I will admit that I've never moved past the stage of just eating if off the spoon. It's that good. But if you need something more than a spoon, try coconut butter blended into coffee or shakes. Add it to curries, stir frys or top any vegetables with it. You could even combine it with cocoa powder and stevia for dessert. Oh yum. Add-ins are pretty much endless from sweet to savory...flavor with sea salt, cinnamon, vanilla, stevia, honey, pulverized fruit, and more!
The beauty of coconut butter is that it is so easily made at home. And if you have purchased it before, you know how much it can cost! Artisana is one brand that makes a really great quality coconut butter and the 16 oz jar is, well...head over to your nearest Whole Foods and expect a little sticker shock. And what is it made of? Um, basically one or two ingredients! Very simple.
Making Coconut Butter at home:
1.5 cups unsweetened shredded coconut or coconut flakes
Melted coconut oil for consistency (if necessary. I used about 1 tbls melted)
I made mine in a Ninja. And it worked fine with the added melted coconut oil. The oil just kind of helps things get going. But if you have a powerful blender or food processor like a Vitamix, you'll be done in about 2 minutes and probably won't need any added oil. Yes, I'm jealous of your Vitamix. ;)
Add your coconut flakes or shredded coconut to your blender or processor and give it several whirls. Make sure it's the unsweetened kind, NOT the sweet stuff you might use for German chocolate cake! You'll need to stop a few times to scrape down the sides. Here is what mine looked like after a minute or two. Still crumbly but starting to come together:
After I got to this point (crumbly but on it's way to butter), I added the melted coconut oil. Then I continued pulsing, scraping down sides, pulsing again. A little patience but really even with a Ninja it took less than 10 minutes.
Once it gets to this point, voila! Coconut butter at the fraction of the cost! I put it in a mason jar and it can be stored at room temp or in the fridge. You can warm it up a bit if it gets too solid.
Yummy, creamy buttery goodness! Chock full of healthy fat to keep you happy and satiated! Now excuse me while I have another spoonful! :)
The beauty of coconut butter is that it is so easily made at home. And if you have purchased it before, you know how much it can cost! Artisana is one brand that makes a really great quality coconut butter and the 16 oz jar is, well...head over to your nearest Whole Foods and expect a little sticker shock. And what is it made of? Um, basically one or two ingredients! Very simple.
Making Coconut Butter at home:
1.5 cups unsweetened shredded coconut or coconut flakes
Melted coconut oil for consistency (if necessary. I used about 1 tbls melted)
Finished product in the jar!
I made mine in a Ninja. And it worked fine with the added melted coconut oil. The oil just kind of helps things get going. But if you have a powerful blender or food processor like a Vitamix, you'll be done in about 2 minutes and probably won't need any added oil. Yes, I'm jealous of your Vitamix. ;)
Add your coconut flakes or shredded coconut to your blender or processor and give it several whirls. Make sure it's the unsweetened kind, NOT the sweet stuff you might use for German chocolate cake! You'll need to stop a few times to scrape down the sides. Here is what mine looked like after a minute or two. Still crumbly but starting to come together:
After I got to this point (crumbly but on it's way to butter), I added the melted coconut oil. Then I continued pulsing, scraping down sides, pulsing again. A little patience but really even with a Ninja it took less than 10 minutes.
Once it gets to this point, voila! Coconut butter at the fraction of the cost! I put it in a mason jar and it can be stored at room temp or in the fridge. You can warm it up a bit if it gets too solid.
Yummy, creamy buttery goodness! Chock full of healthy fat to keep you happy and satiated! Now excuse me while I have another spoonful! :)
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Vanilla Chia Pudding
It's pudding time!!! And with the health benefits from chia seeds! Have you tried these crazy little things yet? Did you know that chia seeds have the highest-known percentage of omega-3s
among plants? They are also an excellent source of calcium! Combine them with a simple combination of almond milk and your sweetener of choice and you'll get a tapioca-like pudding snack loaded with nutrients. So if you have consistency issues with things like cottage cheese or tapioca, this might not be your thing. That's okay! You can also grind chia seeds and add them to shakes, jams or your own pudding for thickness.
Prep Time: 1 minute
Chill Time: 60 minutes (or longer)
Serves: 2
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1/8 tsp (scant) NuNaturals pure stevia extract (or your favorite sweetener to taste)
It doesn't get much easier than this! Put all ingredients in a Mason jar, cover tightly and shake. Refrigerate for 5 - 10 minutes and then shake again. Shake yet again after a few minutes so the seeds don’t clump all together. Return to refrigerator for 50 minutes or longer.
Super healthy! I will add that I am a chocolate person and sadly, I was OUT of cocoa powder. Rats! But this was still really good. For a chocolate version, simply add 3-4 tbls. cocoa powder and give it a good stir and shake before sticking it in the fridge.
Where can you find chia seeds? Pretty much any grocery store these days. I think my Costco is now carrying them too. I had purchased a gigantic 5 lb bag from Amazon and slooooowly working my way towards finishing it.
Here are your basic ingredients!
Prep Time: 1 minute
Chill Time: 60 minutes (or longer)
Serves: 2
1 1/2 c. Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk (I like Silk brand)
1/4 c. Chia Seeds1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1/8 tsp (scant) NuNaturals pure stevia extract (or your favorite sweetener to taste)
It doesn't get much easier than this! Put all ingredients in a Mason jar, cover tightly and shake. Refrigerate for 5 - 10 minutes and then shake again. Shake yet again after a few minutes so the seeds don’t clump all together. Return to refrigerator for 50 minutes or longer.
Super healthy! I will add that I am a chocolate person and sadly, I was OUT of cocoa powder. Rats! But this was still really good. For a chocolate version, simply add 3-4 tbls. cocoa powder and give it a good stir and shake before sticking it in the fridge.
Where can you find chia seeds? Pretty much any grocery store these days. I think my Costco is now carrying them too. I had purchased a gigantic 5 lb bag from Amazon and slooooowly working my way towards finishing it.
The finished product!
per serving based on the brands I used: 143 calories, 8 g fat, 10 g fiber, 10 g carbs
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Move over Reese's...now there's something healthier!
Shakeology Peanut Butter Cups
Those bunnies, eggs and peeps are STILL around! But the reality is that candy and junk will ALWAYS be everywhere…especially if you work in just about any office setting or have kids. Reese’s are just so darn good. The longer I’ve stayed away from them, however, the more fake and plastic-y they taste to me. Oh, maybe because they are fake? Well, never mind - try these healthy, full of nutrients, no guilt candies instead! For this recipe, I used Vegan Chocolate, but really any flavor can be used.
2 tbsp Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
5 tbsp Vegan Chocolate Shakeology
3 tbsp PB2 or all natural peanut or almond butter
2 tbsp water (may need to adjust if you're using natural PB or almond butter)
small cupcake liners or silicone ice cube tray
In a microwave safe bowl add the Nutiva coconut oil and nuke until melted. Remove and add Shakeology to the bowl, stir. Add just barely enough of the Shakeology and coconut oil mix to to cover the bottom of your cupcake liners or tray. Once filled, put them in the freezer for 1-2 minutes. In the meantime, in a bowl combine the PB2 with the water. Pull the liners/tray out of the freezer. Add about 1/2-1 tsp of the PB2 mix on top of the Shakeology layer. Finally, top off the PB2 layer with enough of the remaining Shakeology/coconut mix to cover the PB2. Pop in the freezer for about 5-10 minutes. ENJOY! Keep in the freezer so they stay solid!
I will admit that I was in a mad rush to make these and wanted a sample - fast! So instead of waiting for the layers, I just mixed all up in one batch and guess what? Came out just as good. :)
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Healthy Coconut Oil Chocolate!
Do you happen to have some bunnies, as in CHOCOLATE bunnies staring you in the face? So tempting to eat an ear, nibble off a foot, chomp off his little nose. STOP the bunny from making it’s way into your belly! Make these little coconut oil candies instead! They are chocolatey, provide healthy fats, and are super fast and easy to make!
Ready for the line up? All 3 ingredients! You can get fancy and add any nut butter, shredded, unsweetened coconut or vanilla extract. Super easy to play around with:
1/2 cup coconut oil (measure melted)
3 tbls. cocoa powder
1/8 teaspoon pure stevia powder (start with 1/8 t and add by teensy amounts from there for desired sweetness)
Mix all together and pour into mini cupcake liners or I like to use these silicone ice cube trays I picked up at IKEA. Place in the fridge for about 20-30 minutes until they set and THEN put in the freezer for another 20-30 minutes. Trust me, it's a PIA to clean up coconut oil that has spilled in the freezer. Mmm hmm. Store in the freezer as they melt really easily. Yum!
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Training lean and mean for Summer!
I love T25 because it is a quick and effective workout - and you will see results EVERYWHERE! But it's always nice to change things up and mix in a different program. Below is a hybrid calendar that focuses on working the entire body in just 30 minutes per day. There are no double days here, but you can certainly add in a T25 cardio session if you want maximum burn! Rest days are on Sundays, but again, feel free to change it up so that your rest day falls where it fits your schedule best. T25 Stretch is also a great way to fill in your rest day...and it feels SO good!
If you're ready to see your best body ever, mixing these two programs is a great way to get there! T25 for amazing, FOCUSED core and cardio burn and X3 to get you ripped and see those muscles pop!
And always a good reminder that nutrition is key. You can workout as hard as you want, but if you're not putting even greater effort into what goes into your body, your results will suffer. Clean, healthy eating is key!
Contact me if you need help or have any questions!
If you're ready to see your best body ever, mixing these two programs is a great way to get there! T25 for amazing, FOCUSED core and cardio burn and X3 to get you ripped and see those muscles pop!
And always a good reminder that nutrition is key. You can workout as hard as you want, but if you're not putting even greater effort into what goes into your body, your results will suffer. Clean, healthy eating is key!
Contact me if you need help or have any questions!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
The Love that is Shaun T and T25
Many of you that know me know that I have been working out in some way for many years. I belonged to a gym for years and like all the other worker bees, I would get there after work and try to get in a good workout. Sometimes I would spend 30 minutes just driving around looking for a parking place! Drove me crazy! After I moved to a neighborhood and a new job where the nearest 24 Hour Fitness just wasn't around, I decided to quit the gym. I didn't really know what I was going to do, but I knew enough about sticking with a fitness program that if it's not convenient, it's just not going to happen.
I remembered seeing an informercial about the FIRM on tv and decided to look into it. These looked like other normal women getting into shape at home! I can do that! A lot of them were moms that needed to fit something into their busy schedules, and even though I didn't have kids at the time, finding something that didn't take up 1-2 hours was just fine with me. At the gym, I was either doing an hour step class or cardio and weights for 1 - 1.5 hours. And let's just say that my results were not all that great. Anyways, I decided to order the FIRM and to my amazement I really liked it! It was challenging at first but I stuck with it and had better results than I had ever had with gym workouts.
Over the years I built up my FIRM library and I now have many, many DVDs. After Gavin was about a year old, I decided that I needed to step things up a notch. Going back to the gym was now not even on my radar and having the convenience of working out at home was key. I had seen all the informercials for Insanity and started to look into it, but man! Those are long workouts! I knew I needed something different (and shorter!) and that's how I came upon T25. It looked too good to be true! Motivating workouts from the same creator as Insanity, RESULTS, and in only 25 minutes? No way. But I was intrigued and kept reading page after page of glowing reviews on Amazon and Beachbody. Done. Ordered!
The first workout I did was Alpha Cardio and I was just following the workout calendar. O M G. I seriously thought I was going to vomit. I thought I was in pretty decent shape but this kicked my you-know-what in a major way. What in the world did I sign up for??? But I kept at it and I kept struggling, but soon the struggling was a little less and soon I could tell I was getting stronger and my endurance was improving. For the first time ever after working out for all these years, I DID take my before pictures. And I'm so glad I did. The results blew me away. I knew I had lost some weight, but the scale never tells the full picture. It honestly wasn't until I saw my before and after pictures that I fully realized how my body had changed. Changes that I had never been able to make before...even when I was much younger and even before having two kids. I got it. Now I understood why so many people love this program! It was because of the results I was having with T25 that inspired me to become a Beachbody coach. What if I could spread the word about this amazing program, Shakeology and all of the other amazing programs that can be done at home? What if I can help lead others to their health and fitness goals through an online fitness group, just like the one that I participated? Well, pretty darn cool.
My after picture was taken in December 2013. I have added in other Beachbody programs into the mix and love them. But T25 continues to be my #1 favorite. You're busy just like me. You want results just like I do. You want to be motivated and engaged in a fun workout? Yep, me too. This is it! You will not be disappointed in the love that is Shaun T and T25. And earning a free t shirt? Yay!
I remembered seeing an informercial about the FIRM on tv and decided to look into it. These looked like other normal women getting into shape at home! I can do that! A lot of them were moms that needed to fit something into their busy schedules, and even though I didn't have kids at the time, finding something that didn't take up 1-2 hours was just fine with me. At the gym, I was either doing an hour step class or cardio and weights for 1 - 1.5 hours. And let's just say that my results were not all that great. Anyways, I decided to order the FIRM and to my amazement I really liked it! It was challenging at first but I stuck with it and had better results than I had ever had with gym workouts.
Over the years I built up my FIRM library and I now have many, many DVDs. After Gavin was about a year old, I decided that I needed to step things up a notch. Going back to the gym was now not even on my radar and having the convenience of working out at home was key. I had seen all the informercials for Insanity and started to look into it, but man! Those are long workouts! I knew I needed something different (and shorter!) and that's how I came upon T25. It looked too good to be true! Motivating workouts from the same creator as Insanity, RESULTS, and in only 25 minutes? No way. But I was intrigued and kept reading page after page of glowing reviews on Amazon and Beachbody. Done. Ordered!
The first workout I did was Alpha Cardio and I was just following the workout calendar. O M G. I seriously thought I was going to vomit. I thought I was in pretty decent shape but this kicked my you-know-what in a major way. What in the world did I sign up for??? But I kept at it and I kept struggling, but soon the struggling was a little less and soon I could tell I was getting stronger and my endurance was improving. For the first time ever after working out for all these years, I DID take my before pictures. And I'm so glad I did. The results blew me away. I knew I had lost some weight, but the scale never tells the full picture. It honestly wasn't until I saw my before and after pictures that I fully realized how my body had changed. Changes that I had never been able to make before...even when I was much younger and even before having two kids. I got it. Now I understood why so many people love this program! It was because of the results I was having with T25 that inspired me to become a Beachbody coach. What if I could spread the word about this amazing program, Shakeology and all of the other amazing programs that can be done at home? What if I can help lead others to their health and fitness goals through an online fitness group, just like the one that I participated? Well, pretty darn cool.
My after picture was taken in December 2013. I have added in other Beachbody programs into the mix and love them. But T25 continues to be my #1 favorite. You're busy just like me. You want results just like I do. You want to be motivated and engaged in a fun workout? Yep, me too. This is it! You will not be disappointed in the love that is Shaun T and T25. And earning a free t shirt? Yay!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
All Natural Deodorant!
I get pretty excited when I find something that you can make at home, is 100% natural and is really effective! I love this little concoction. It doesn't get any easier than this! Try ditching your regular aluminum-based antiperspirant and see what you think!!
1/4 c baking soda (for no stinkies and dryness)
1/4 c corn starch (for smooth and dry. You can also use arrowroot powder)
5-6 Tbsp coconut oil (for soft and anti-stink, also
antimicrobial. LOVE this stuff!)
Combine powders. Add oil as needed and mix until proper
consistency is achieved.
Keep in mind that coconut oil is
solid under 76 degrees, so you'll get significantly different results depending
on the weather. During colder weather it is solid like conventional deodorant,
and on warmer days it's more like a lotion. Either way, I scoop out a
pea-sized amount with my finger and apply.
I keep mine in a jar in the bathroom. Some people are sensitive to baking soda and may
want to play around with the ratios. Another note about the possibility of redness: "Detoxing the chemicals absorbed from
antiperspirants is also a real possibility that can sometimes manifest in
temporarily red or irritated skin." I found this online and of course I cannot recall the source!
I made it the first time and just used a 1/2 recipe and that was quite a bit. So if you're thinking about trying it go with half the amount - it will take minutes to make and probably with ingredients you already have at home!
Now go get yourself all natch and non-stanky!!! :)
Monday, March 31, 2014
Vanilla Shakeology Energy Balls
Got Shakeology? Oh YUM. I think my afternoon coffee fix just found a new friend! These are super healthy and took about 2 minutes to whip up. If you're feeling like they need a little more, you could definitely add chocolate chips, dried fruit, nuts, cocoa powder, etc. Endless possibilities!
Vanilla Shakeology Energy Balls
(Makes 15 servings, 1 ball each)
Total time: 15 mins
1 ½ scoops Vanilla Shakeology
½ cup almond flour
½ cup old-fashioned rolled oats
¼ cup all-natural almond butter (I used all natural PB because that's what I have!)
1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
¼ cup sliced raw almonds (I left these out)
Combine Shakeology, almond flour, and oats in a medium bowl; mix well. Add almond butter and almond milk; mix well with a rubber spatula or hands until it forms a think batter. Roll mixture into fifteen balls, each about 1-inch in size. Roll balls in almonds if using.
Could be slightly addictive...you've been warned! I made a 1/2 batch and will keep them in the freezer for single serving sweet fixes. :)
Vanilla Shakeology Energy Balls
(Makes 15 servings, 1 ball each)
Total time: 15 mins
1 ½ scoops Vanilla Shakeology
½ cup almond flour
½ cup old-fashioned rolled oats
¼ cup all-natural almond butter (I used all natural PB because that's what I have!)
1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
¼ cup sliced raw almonds (I left these out)
Combine Shakeology, almond flour, and oats in a medium bowl; mix well. Add almond butter and almond milk; mix well with a rubber spatula or hands until it forms a think batter. Roll mixture into fifteen balls, each about 1-inch in size. Roll balls in almonds if using.
Could be slightly addictive...you've been warned! I made a 1/2 batch and will keep them in the freezer for single serving sweet fixes. :)
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
21 Day Fix snack option!
I love to eat! And I can eat a lot! So even though I eat really healthy foods, you can still eat TOO much of a good thing. Measuring is always a great way to keep yourself in check and to keep yourself HONEST. We all know that it gets to be way too easy to have bites here and there and before you know it, you've probably already eaten most of a portion size. I know, because I am guilty of this too!
That's just one thing I love about the 21 Day Fix program. This is down to the basics of measuring your foods and knowing exactly what a REAL portion looks like. Do you have to always measure your lettuce and celery? Mmmm, probably not but measuring things like fruit and yogurt? Never a bad idea! So here I had a typical snack which was chopped up strawberries and Greek yogurt. Two super healthy options but also easy to keep eating and eating and eating. Guess work taken out by measuring! I can cross off one fruit (purple container) and one red (protein container) from my list for the day. Easy!
That's just one thing I love about the 21 Day Fix program. This is down to the basics of measuring your foods and knowing exactly what a REAL portion looks like. Do you have to always measure your lettuce and celery? Mmmm, probably not but measuring things like fruit and yogurt? Never a bad idea! So here I had a typical snack which was chopped up strawberries and Greek yogurt. Two super healthy options but also easy to keep eating and eating and eating. Guess work taken out by measuring! I can cross off one fruit (purple container) and one red (protein container) from my list for the day. Easy!
21 Day Fix Snack
Monday, March 17, 2014
21 Day Fix - Official First Day!
Today is the official first day of the 21 Day Fix...for me and for my challengers! I'm excited to see the results we'll get even just after this first week. Today's workout was Total Cardio Fix and wow. I will for sure be sore tomorrow! Simple, effective moves that had my heart pumping all 30 minutes. Everyone has time for 30 minutes! I really felt like every muscle in my body was worked...and pretty sure that's about how I'll feel tomorrow! I used 5 and 8 pound weights today and that was plenty for me.
FOOD! Sticking with my meal plan and it's so helpful to have it already planned out ahead of time. It's like my own personal cheat-sheet that tells me what I can eat! I've done the homework and it will only get easier each week to know what exactly I can eat to stay on track and see the results I'm after. For breakfast I had my usual Vegan Chocolate Shakeology and used about 6 oz of cold coffee, ice, 4 oz of unsweetened almond milk and 1/2 banana. 21 Day Fix approved and that scratches off one red (protein) and one purple (fruit) for the day. Per the Fix guidelines, I'm also counting my daily 4 oz of almond milk as one yellow. Now, If I was concerned about "wasting" a yellow container in my Shakeology I would certainly just use all coffee or use water instead. I might try that later this week if I feel like I need to chew more calories rather than drink them. All a learning process!
Lunch is pictured below and it was filling and yummy. Going Meatless Monday today! Firm Tofu (red), garbanzo beans (yellow), avocado (blue) and broccoli and roasted cabbage (green). I was actually surprised when I put it all on the plate how much food it actually was. And I still have plenty of containers for an afternoon snack and a full dinner. This is not meant to be a starvation diet and it certainly doesn't feel like one! If you're like me and you suffer from portion distortion, this program is simple and effective and does the trick. If it fits in the container, you can eat it!
Here is what my lunch looked like today:
FOOD! Sticking with my meal plan and it's so helpful to have it already planned out ahead of time. It's like my own personal cheat-sheet that tells me what I can eat! I've done the homework and it will only get easier each week to know what exactly I can eat to stay on track and see the results I'm after. For breakfast I had my usual Vegan Chocolate Shakeology and used about 6 oz of cold coffee, ice, 4 oz of unsweetened almond milk and 1/2 banana. 21 Day Fix approved and that scratches off one red (protein) and one purple (fruit) for the day. Per the Fix guidelines, I'm also counting my daily 4 oz of almond milk as one yellow. Now, If I was concerned about "wasting" a yellow container in my Shakeology I would certainly just use all coffee or use water instead. I might try that later this week if I feel like I need to chew more calories rather than drink them. All a learning process!
Lunch is pictured below and it was filling and yummy. Going Meatless Monday today! Firm Tofu (red), garbanzo beans (yellow), avocado (blue) and broccoli and roasted cabbage (green). I was actually surprised when I put it all on the plate how much food it actually was. And I still have plenty of containers for an afternoon snack and a full dinner. This is not meant to be a starvation diet and it certainly doesn't feel like one! If you're like me and you suffer from portion distortion, this program is simple and effective and does the trick. If it fits in the container, you can eat it!
Here is what my lunch looked like today:
21 Day Fix Eating
Thursday, March 6, 2014
So simple turkey chili!
This recipe (really, it's hardly a recipe!) is adapted from the book BrokeAss Gourmet by Gabi Moskowitz. First of all, don't you just love that name? I have made a few of her recipes and I love how simple they are but always really tasty. She calls her chili "Ridiculously Easy Black bean - Turkey Chili" You can find her full site here: brokeassgourmet.com
What I love about this super easy dump it all in recipe is that there is no chopping of anything! Of course you could chop up extra onion or cilantro to top it off. :) The other thing I love is that this is not a saucy chili. If you like your chili with more of a liquid base, you might want to add in another can of tomatoes.
This turned out with the perfect amount of spice! You could substitute a mild pico de gallo and that would decrease the heat, or bump it up with some hot sauce! This was family approved, although the almost 6 year old is always kind of picky and she wouldn't taste it. More for us!
What I love about this super easy dump it all in recipe is that there is no chopping of anything! Of course you could chop up extra onion or cilantro to top it off. :) The other thing I love is that this is not a saucy chili. If you like your chili with more of a liquid base, you might want to add in another can of tomatoes.
This turned out with the perfect amount of spice! You could substitute a mild pico de gallo and that would decrease the heat, or bump it up with some hot sauce! This was family approved, although the almost 6 year old is always kind of picky and she wouldn't taste it. More for us!
▪ 1 lb lean ground turkey
▪ 1 cup corn kernels (frozen is fine - this is in the picture, but I ended up leaving it out. Glad I did!)
▪ 1 15-oz can diced tomatoes (with or without chiles)
▪ 1 4 oz can diced green chiles
▪ 1 15-oz. can black beans, drained
▪ 1 12-oz. container pico de gallo (refrigerated kind)
▪ 1 tsp cumin
▪ 1 tsp chili powder
1. Cook ground turkey and allow to brown, stirring occasionally, 4-5 minutes.
2. Add beans, pico de gallo, chiles, tomatoes, cumin, chili powder and salt and pepper to taste. Stir well and reduce heat to medium-low. Cook for 10-12 minutes until hot and bubbly. If chili becomes too thick while cooking, add a little water or broth.
3. Serve hot, as is or garnished with shredded cheese, cilantro, chopped onions, sour cream, avocado, hot sauce, etc. I would say chips too, but you're not here for that type of chili recipe, right? Right! ;)
Big ole pot, ready to dig in! Really tasty, FAST and very healthy! You could play around with this in endless ways!
Finished bowl, ready to go! I'm not a big cheese or dairy person so topping this with
avocado is just right for me. And surprise! I plopped mine over spaghetti squash. Portion this into 4-6 glass dishes for easy lunches for the week!
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