Tuesday, June 3, 2014

More on clean eating...and hitting the grocery store PREPARED!

Still a little confused about all this clean eating stuff?  How to plan it all out?  You’ve probably heard so many variations: eat every 2-3 hours, eat 5-6 mini meals, always eat a complex carb with a protein.  Well, it’s all true!  But, the main thing is to not let it overwhelm you and to find what works for YOU.  What has worked for me, for my schedule, for my life could be totally different than what might be right for you.  So a lot of the mystery is just fine-tuning, playing around with things, listening to your body and figuring out what is going to work best.  The one key, however, that is going to be true no matter what plan you follow is this simple rule: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  We’ve heard it before but it is so true. 

The other truth?  70-80% of your success depends on your food choices. That’s a lot!  You’ve heard “abs are made in the kitchen”  True story.  Someone that is dedicated and spot on with their workouts but hit and miss with their eating is for sure not going to see the greatest results possible. It might sound like an overwhelming process but it’s really about planning ahead and being one step ahead of the game.

So let’s start with the basics. GROCERY SHOPPING! You’ve probably heard all of these before, but it never hurts to brush up on the basics!  Here are some tips to help you stay on track and FOCUSED!!

•Do not go hungry! Eat beforehand!
•Shop the perimeter of the store. Be a smart shopper and stick to the outside lanes of the grocery store. This is where your basics are located. Meat, fish, produce, dairy…all your essential fresh foods are placed around the perimeter and then the packaged foods are down the aisles. Have your list and stick to it.
•Just because something is labeled “low-fat” “a good source of…” or “healthy” DOES NOT mean it is healthy! Those 100 calorie snack packs? Noooo. Put them back! For your kids, spouse, roommate that isn’t eating on the same plan, put these and other snackie treats in a separate place. Make them as un-tempting as possible. Is that a word? Okay, it is now! In our house, the kids know where the “treat cupboard” is. I admit that we have way too much junk. But at least it’s all basically in one place and I just ignore it. Do I really need processed cookies, crackers and candy? No thanks. If I’m going to splurge on something off my normal eating plan, it’s going to be something WORTH it. And something that little Keebler elves or Nabisco made do not fall into that category. Be picky and selective. It’s okay to say no!

Here is a sample grocery list. Start to take a look at it and pick and choose your favorites. These should become your staples and things that you should make a habit of having around the house. Planning is key! Make Sunday or any day that works in your schedule to get your shopping done and then prep at home. Wash veggies, maybe cook some chicken breasts, roast veggies, make a batch of chicken or tuna salad.  

If you have access to high quality foods that are ready to go, you will limit your temptations!

Boneless/skinless chicken breast
Lean ground turkey
Canned Tuna (in water)
Wild Salmon
Tofu (Vegan friendly. Be sure it is non-GMO and organic)
Cottage Cheese – watch portion size as it has quite a bit of sodium
Plain Greek Yogurt
Shakeology (Vegan options available)

Fibrous Veggies:
Bell Peppers
Brussel Sprouts
Green beans
(Don’t be afraid to experiment! There are so many others out there besides just these)

Complex/Starchy Carbohydrates:
Old-fashioned Oatmeal (Gluten-free options available)
Quinoa (Gluten-free options available)
Sweet potato
Whole Wheat Bread (Something like Ezekiel bread, but in moderation if it triggers you to want to carb-out)
Brown Rice, barley, cous cous

Healthy Fat Options (pick at least 2):
Natural peanut butter or almond butter (only ingredient should read peanuts or almonds, there should be oil on top, low/no sodium).
Olive oil
Coconut Oil
Flaxseed oil

Lemons (for water & fish)

Water – MUST HAVE (obviously)
Unsweetened Almond Milk (can be flavored, I like vanilla)
Unsweetened Coconut Milk
Green tea bags

Balsamic Vinegar
Salsa (pico de gallo and hot sauce)
Chili powder
Mrs Dash
Unsweetened Baking Cocoa

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