Monday, June 2, 2014

June Beachbody Specials!

A new month means new fabulous deals for you!  This month, it's all about Shaun T and I couldn't be more excited!  It's probably pretty clear that I adore the man and he is by far my favorite Beachbody trainer.  What's not to love?  Shaun is super motivating, engaging, a little in your face, challenging, but ultimately, you just feel like he CARES about you and wants you to succeed.  Because he does!  Even from your living room.  :)

You like insane?  Shaun T has you covered!  I admit that I have T25 and T25 Gamma and continually shy away from Insanity.  But maybe now is the best time to embrace the challenge!  Who else is up for it?

10 Insane workouts to get you the best body in 60 days?  That's a bold promise but I have no doubt it will deliver.  No weights, no gym membership, sweating in the privacy of your own home.  Sounds good to me!

Your Challenge Pack also includes: Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology®—the superfood shake that helps give you energy, reduce cravings and accelerate your fitness results—delivered on Home Direct.  Plus Super Discount shipping (and SAVE OVER $12) every month.  Just looking to try Shakeology for one month and then cancel?  That's okay and you can do that too!  This is still an amazing deal!!

The INSANITY Challenge Pack includes 10 insane workouts that incorporate plyometric drills and intervals of strength, power, resistance, and core training. No weights or equipment, just long bursts of maximum intensity and short periods of rest that challenge your body to be its most efficient ever.

Here's what your Challenge Pack includes:

    10 Insane Workouts:   
        01 Dig Deeper & Fit Test
        02 Plyometric Cardio Circuit
        03 Cardio Power & Resistance
        04 Cardio Recovery
        05 Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs
        06 Core Cardio & Balance
        07 Max Interval Circuit & Fit Test
        08 Max Interval Plyo
        09 Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs
        10 Max Recovery

Exclusive Bonus Workout!  Fast and Furious. A $19.95 value—FREE!

Bottom line?  This complete package that includes your first 30-day supply of Shakeology is normally $205.  On sale in the month of June for $160.  That is crazy.  Adding it to my wish list for sure!!

And behind door #2...Shaun T Dance Challenge Pack!  You like to dance and get your groove on?  This is for you!

You can get twice the amazing results by shakin' it double time! Shaun T's two high-energy dance workout programs Hip Hop Abs® and Rockin' Body® give you great moves, great tunes, and great variety to help you burn calories and lose weight. It's the most fun you'll ever have getting fit!
Your Challenge Pack also includes your first 30-day supply of Shakeology®!

Your Hip Hop Abs program includes:

4 Amazing Routines:

    1. Secrets to Flat Abs: TILT, TUCK & TIGHTEN your way to gorgeous, sexy abs with Shaun's exclusive training technique. (13 minutes)
    2. Fat Burning Cardio: Groove to upbeat party music and learn the fun, easy dance steps that shed calories and burn fat. (30 minutes)
    3. Ab Sculpt: Use these signature next-level ab moves to carve out your ultimate six-pack. (25 min)
    4. Total Body Burn: Say goodbye to love handles, saddlebags, and jiggly arms as you sculpt your body from head to toe. (45 minutes)

Plus, Learn to Dance with Shaun T - More Fun-Filled Routines:

    Take It to the Dance Floor
    Hip Hop Groove
    Last Minute Dance
    Last Minute Abs
    Last Minute Buns
 Free BONUS workout!  Exclusive 20-minute workout DVD, Hip Hop Abs EXTREME. A $19.95 value—FREE!

Your Rockin' Body program includes:

5 Rockin' Workouts to Get a Rockin' Body!

    1. Mark, Move & Groove: Shaun will have you dancing and sweating with his breakthrough Mark It and Move It technique. (15 minutes)
    2. Disco Groove: Hit the dance floor and shake your groove thing in this off-the-hook workout guaranteed to burn some serious calories. (35 minutes)
    3. Party Express: Give Shaun 25 minutes and he guarantees a workout—without sacrificing results! (25 minutes)
    4. Shaun T's Dance Party: It's a calorie-burning dance party in your living room. (45 minutes)
    5. Rock It Out: This rock-and-roll strength routine will shape, sculpt, and tone your new lean body from head to toe while it sends your metabolism soaring. (45 minutes)

All this dance explosion fun is on sale for $140 in June, normally $160.  Think about this.  If you've been thinking about even just TRYING Shakeology, either option is an amazing deal.  With Insanity, you're getting Shakeology plus a complete workout program for just $30 more!  And with the Dance challenge pack, a whole workout program for only $10 more!  Pretty sweet summer deals!

Contact me if you have any questions or would like more information!  We all like friends, so the more the merrier.  Find me on Facebook too!

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